Training Management Systems are used by medical colleges and medical associations to facilitate their training programs, such as postgraduate training towards fellowship or accreditation, assessment of overseas specialists and advanced certificates of training. These programs are often facilitated across multiple countries. A program typically requires several years of clinical supervised placements at accredited training sites combined with regular formative and summative assessments. Courses, examinations, scholarly projects and written cases often form part of the curriculum too. A Training Management System (TMS) allows training providers, directors of training and supervisors to manage these requirements in a centralised and efficient manner and to support their trainees in a user friendly way.
Traditionally, medical training has been managed via paper-based or partial automated systems. These systems are often inefficient and a cause for delays. Documents can easily be misplaced or lost and their content is often incomplete or incorrect as rules cannot be enforced. As a result, training administrators and trainees are exposed to compliance issues.
A web based, fit-for-purpose TMS system provides major benefits for trainees and the organisations managing and facilitating training:
Reduced work load for all parties involved
Easy access across multiple devices and browsers
All information stored in a central, secure repository with full audit trail
Capability to enforce business rules and data validation
Capability to enforce workflow for assessments
Real time overview of progress for each trainee
Capability to send reminders and notifications
Capability to extract management information for reporting purposes
Full integration with related systems, such as member administration
Improved training outcomes through structured and consistent process
Training requirements vary with each organisation depending on their needs. There are a number of features that could be part of a fit-for-purpose training management system, including:
Secure access via authentication and authorisation
Fully responsive design allowing access with a broad range of devices and browsers
Offline processing to allow trainees to complete basic tasks such as recording procedures without internet connectivity. Data is temporarily stored in the browser and synchronised with the database when internet connectivity is restored.
Dashboards for all user types
Time Recording or Logbook
Training Objectives or Learning Needs Analysis
Workplace Based Assessments:
Case-based discussion
Observed Clinical Activity
Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise
Multi Source Feedback
Professional Presentation
Entrustable Professional Activities
In-Training Assessment
Cases and Procedures
Specialised Study Units
Courses and Events
Progression through stages of training
Base data management, such as enrolments, rotations and placements
Admin functions for application of recognition of prior learning (RPL), exceptions and remediation
Integration with:
Membership System, for example iMIS
Learning Managements System (LMS)
Exam Management System
Payment Gateway
Links to help-text or handbooks
Logging for audit purposes
Revium has considerable domain knowledge in the area of Training Management and a wealth of experience building highly customised, fit-for-purpose Training Management Systems for multiple medical colleges and associations. Our core expertise is dealing with complex business and technical requirements and implementing system integrations that meet the needs of our clients. Revium offers all skills – user experience, visual design, specification, front-end and back-end development, testing and project management – to deliver successful projects.
To discover how Revium has successfully implemented Training Management Systems, read the following case studies:
Training Portfolio for the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists;
RTGE (Recognition of Training of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy) for the Conjoint Committee of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA), the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS).